Fall 2022 Seminary Online Classes Announced

St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College

1st Call- Fall Semester 2022 Registration 

The 2022 Fall Semester is now open for registration.  The schedule of classes, registration information, the Fall Semester Application, and general information are included in this first call for registration.  The classes can be taken for credit and for audit and will be offered through the Zoom platform.  The courses will be recorded and provided to those who have registered for credit or for audit.  Through your registration you fully understand and acknowledge this fact and agree to be recorded.

**The Archbishop, Provost, and Vice-Provost would like to personally remind

ALL clergy that “Continuing Education” is of supreme importance

and is a requirement in at least one diocese of the Province.** 

Courses for the Fall Semester 2022:

Dogmatic Theology I:

Instructor:      The Right Reverend Peter Hansen; Bishop Coadjutor Diocese of the Western States and Rector of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Chico, CA.

Time:              Class starts Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  The class will meet for 15-week, 1-hour lectures, to include reading assignments, homework assignments, 2 mid-course quizzes, and a final examination.  Discussion during the lectures is encouraged.

Text:               The required texts are Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology 10-book series Dogmatic Theology (American Church Union) or the same text republished in two volumes: Anglican Dogmatics: Francis J. Hall's Dogmatic Theology: Volume I and II (Nashotah House Press) which is available at Amazon.


This overview of Christian Theology will be on nature and the supernatural, miracles, what is our authority for our claims to truth; the Creeds, Episcopacy, and the Great Councils, the Bible, God’s attributes and apologetic proofs for His existence; the Trinity and study of His Persons; Creation and man, Salvation and free will.

Theology – The Queen of sciences, nature and supernature, miracles, faith; Approaches and difficulties, sources, Anglicanism, Dogmatic value and necessity, practical application

Authority – Truth claims and basis of them, grounds, Creeds, Episcopacy, Tradition, Councils, Biblical, Interpretation, Essentials and non-essentials

God – Self existence, Apologetics for, Theism of Christianity, Proofs v. Agnostics, The uncaused cause, Teleological argument, moral argument, Ontological, Monotheism, Attributes of God

Trinity – Defined, Catholic doctrine, Revelation sources, Developing doctrine, Biblical sources, difficulties, meaning of Persons in God, Threefold Being, shared and unshared attributes and roles, Father, Son, Spirit

Creation & Man – Creation ex nihilo, Father, Son, Spirit’s parts in Creation, Free Will and evil, Angels, Man, Religion, Sin, the Fall, Salvation, God’s will, the question of predestiny, sanctification


World History and Religion; Year #2:

Instructor:      The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman; Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Western States, and Provost St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, Berkeley, CA.

Time:              Class starts Tuesday, August 30th, 2022.  Bishop Ashman will offer two independent sections, (take one or the other or both), at 11:00 a.m. and at 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time.

Text:               There is no textbook required for this course.


Bishop Ashman will continue World History and Religion with a second year beginning with The Americas after 1750.  Note that, although this class is a continuation of last year’s classes, there is no prerequisite required for this course.  The laity are especially invited to audit this course. 


Seminar in Historical Homiletics II:

Instructor:      The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman; Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Western States, and Provost St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, Berkeley, CA.

Time:              Class starts Monday, September 12th, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

Text:               Not required, however the text is a good reference for any Priest’s library.  ‘The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers,’ (a 4-volume set), Preservation Press, 1996.


Due to popular demand, Bishop Ashman will offer a second semester of the course ‘Seminar in Historical Homiletics.’  This second semester will offer 15 classes, (16-30).  This seminar will focus on the Gospel lessons of fifteen significant Sundays in the Church Year.  The selected Sunday’s Gospel will be read.  Two or three sermons of the Church Fathers on that Gospel will be read and discussed.  Finally, a sermon inspired by the Church Fathers will be assigned as homework and discussed at the beginning of the next class. This class provides a graduate level study of Holy Scripture.


Second Year Ecclesiastical Latin:

Instructor:      The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman; Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Western States, and Provost St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, Berkeley, CA.

Time:              Class starts Friday, September 2nd, 2022, at 11:30 a.m., Pacific Time.

Text:               A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin by John F. Collins, available at Amazon.  There is a separate key which is worth purchasing as well.


This will be a continuation of Latin I.  Both Ecclesiastical and Classical Latin pronunciation will be taught along with basic grammatical structures: necessary vocabulary, word studies, the six indicative tenses, the six cases, the first three declensions, adjectives and adverbs.  But more importantly, practice sentences are based upon scripture or taken from scripture or liturgical texts.


Fourth Year Greek:

Instructor:      The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman; Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Western States, and Provost St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, Berkeley, CA.

Time:              Class starts Friday, September 2nd, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., Pacific Time.

Text:               A Primer of Biblical Greek, by N. Clayton Croy, and instructor created materials.

Bishop Ashman will be leading this class with Greek New Testament readings.


First Year Greek:

Instructor:      The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman; Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Western States, and Provost St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, Berkeley, CA.

Time:              Class starts Friday, September 2nd, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., Pacific Time.

Text:               A Primer of Biblical Greek, by N. Clayton Croy, and instructor created materials.


Bishop Ashman encourages to not be afraid.  YOU can do it! 


Registration Requirements:

The tuition cost per course for credit is $250.00 and $75.00 for audit.  Please address any requests for tuition assistance to your individual parishes, your diocese, and then to Bishop Ashman, the Provost at, provostjact@gmail.com.


The Application for the 2022 Fall Semester is required and a printed copy should be included with your tuition payment to complete your registration.  Please enter the required information in the auto-fill application, (those taking courses for CREDIT fill out the entire form and those taking the courses by AUDIT fill out sections 1, 2, 3, and the acknowledgement at the end of the application), and return by email to the Provost, The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman, provostsjact@gmail.com and to the Vice-Provost/Registrar, The Rt. Rev. Ben E. Jones, Jr., bishop.benjones@gmail.com.


Please forward your tuition payment by check to:


The Rt. Rev. Ben E. Jones, Jr.

St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College

2820 Exeter Circle

Raleigh, NC  27608


Checks are to be made payable to ‘St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College.


1-     Please DO NOT make the checks payable to any person or to any Parish.  Period.

2-     Please DO NOT mail your registration to any other address than the address given above.

3-     Please MAKE SURE to include a printed copy of the Application for the 2022 Fall Semester with your tuition payment.


Your prompt attention is greatly appreciated!! 

Registrations and payments are due to be RECEIVED no later than August 20th, 2022.

 **Late registrations WILL have to be approved.**

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bishop Ashman or Bishop Jones.  We look forward to seeing you in class for the 2022 Fall Semester!!

Application Fall 2022